Living in downtown NYC, and Long Island NYS

Friday, April 10, 2009


 Yet obscured by unattractive modern construction in the Cooper Union precinct by architects who ought to know better.

There will be a walking tour of the East Village and Sacred Havens by Terri Cook on Saturday, May 16, 2009, as announced by the Greenwich Village Society for Historic Preservation.  Contact:  

Coinciding with St. George's Ukrainian Festival including food, dance performances and artwork.   


  1. I presume the building in question is the one with the green roof?

  2. Sounds like a really interesting tour.



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All works on this website and shared with other sites are copyrighted to Margaret Gosden, unless alternative ownership is otherwise indicated. For permission to reproduce any artwork and/or content, please contact the artist.


Blogs I like and follow

  • Coffee Cherry Pickin' - Spring has sprung and my coffee trees are loaded with fruit ready for harvesting and turning into delicious beverages to enjoy over the coming months… ...
    5 years ago
  • Celebrate!! - By Susan Vencl on Vimeo. New York City From my window 7/4/2012
    12 years ago


About Me

My photo
JANUS - looking backwards and forwards is a Janus trait - for me a way to record the "in between thought", whether in retrospect, or as a notion for the future. I make original prints, currently etchings. I sometimes write and take photographs. I am inspired by what I see and read. Although postings are chronologically recorded by date and time in this protocol, the images exhibited, often seen in different stages of production, are from another time. So, with each new posting, earlier postings can undergo revision or amplification as will be noted, or requested. The addition of a SNAPSHOTS Blog and a VIRGINIA WOOLF Blog are included because my different interests tend to influence what I do as an artist. There will be a Family Blog, too, for the same reason.