Living in downtown NYC, and Long Island NYS

Monday, May 11, 2009


Celebrating 'nature' as seen from my windows at different times of the day and night, without forgetting the reality of season, people and the nature of the changing scene.

My haiku attempts are experimental, as is most of my work.  I can't hang or float the text in calligraphy, but I can make it a part of the picture, thanks to help from my computer wise daughter, Sarah.   



  1. These were wonderful.
    Amazing photographs too.
    Must change your blog on list as mgosden comes up.

  2. Fantastic photos and your words mesh will with your images. Thanks for joining us in the haiku's been a great day for art & poetry!

  3. Very cleverly done.

    I couldn't help but wonder about all the activity inside of that seemingly still building.

  4. Love your unconvential haiku. I love the one with the stairs and the raindrops.

    Thanks for commenting on mine. I haven't written Haiku since the 5th grade.

  5. I love your haiku! They work so well as part of the images.

  6. The Haiku Festival passed me by somehow. When I have time I must peruse. I like your shots and verses.



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All works on this website and shared with other sites are copyrighted to Margaret Gosden, unless alternative ownership is otherwise indicated. For permission to reproduce any artwork and/or content, please contact the artist.


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About Me

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JANUS - looking backwards and forwards is a Janus trait - for me a way to record the "in between thought", whether in retrospect, or as a notion for the future. I make original prints, currently etchings. I sometimes write and take photographs. I am inspired by what I see and read. Although postings are chronologically recorded by date and time in this protocol, the images exhibited, often seen in different stages of production, are from another time. So, with each new posting, earlier postings can undergo revision or amplification as will be noted, or requested. The addition of a SNAPSHOTS Blog and a VIRGINIA WOOLF Blog are included because my different interests tend to influence what I do as an artist. There will be a Family Blog, too, for the same reason.