Living in downtown NYC, and Long Island NYS

Monday, June 8, 2009


More like a painting than a photo -  one spade unwittingly disturbs the fragile, incredible architecture, of a soft shell baby sand crab. 

In early June,  many sand crabs are to be found, almost invisible to the eye

That's what Thomas spots, in wonder, in his plastic spade 

Then I found that the black rocks were, in fact, closely covered in millions of juvenile blue mussels, glistening in the sun -  the tide was out.   

A wet seaweed sandwhich, anyone?


No thank you, 'We're busy getting a windburn' (as the adults will learn later, when they arrive home!)   It was not one of those hot, hot days, the ocean still too cool for the faint hearted.

Grandma is distracted by a  
happy camper -

Lennie has a roller
board on standby, to add to his thrills
and skills.

Today the wind is gusty so, instead, he dances to its tune. 

Long Beach, NY, is 1 hour from Penn Station on the Long Island Railroad.   There's a boardwalk for cycling, jogging and a playground or two on the way.   


  1. Looks like a lovely day. I'd be distracted too.

  2. What a great time you had! Does the one shot show ALL the grandchildren? You've got some lovely Shadow Shots there too!



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About Me

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JANUS - looking backwards and forwards is a Janus trait - for me a way to record the "in between thought", whether in retrospect, or as a notion for the future. I make original prints, currently etchings. I sometimes write and take photographs. I am inspired by what I see and read. Although postings are chronologically recorded by date and time in this protocol, the images exhibited, often seen in different stages of production, are from another time. So, with each new posting, earlier postings can undergo revision or amplification as will be noted, or requested. The addition of a SNAPSHOTS Blog and a VIRGINIA WOOLF Blog are included because my different interests tend to influence what I do as an artist. There will be a Family Blog, too, for the same reason.