It took me a long time to realise what I was looking at! But I found the patterns of light very pleasing and I was impressed by the fact that the music synchronised so well. I love the guitar.I still haven't worked-out the 'still'!
All works on this website and shared with other sites are copyrighted to Margaret Gosden, unless alternative ownership is otherwise indicated. For permission to reproduce any artwork and/or content, please contact the artist.
Coffee Cherry Pickin'
Spring has sprung and my coffee trees are loaded with fruit ready for
harvesting and turning into delicious beverages to enjoy over the coming
JANUS - looking backwards and forwards is a Janus trait - for me a way to record the "in between thought", whether in retrospect, or as a notion for the future.
I make original prints, currently etchings. I sometimes write and take photographs. I am inspired by what I see and read.
Although postings are chronologically recorded by date and time in this protocol, the images exhibited, often seen in different stages of production, are from another time. So, with each new posting, earlier postings can undergo revision or amplification as will be noted, or requested.
The addition of a SNAPSHOTS Blog and a VIRGINIA WOOLF Blog are included because my different interests tend to influence what I do as an artist. There will be a Family Blog, too, for the same reason.
Oooh! what an intriguing shadow shot! Love it!
ReplyDeleteHappy SSS!
A great slide show of shadows!
ReplyDeleteWhat an intricate lovely shot!
ReplyDeleteWhat a cool slide show! First ever, at least I saw in SSS.
ReplyDeleteHave a great day!
What a curious shadow shot! I like it! And I was so drawn into that shadow slide show! That was great! I'd love to see more shadowy short films! :)
ReplyDeleteI love the patterns on patterns in that shot...
ReplyDeleteShopping for shadows?
ReplyDeleteI have some nice ones for sale—
and the price is right!
My Shadow Shots
I'd never have thought I would sit at be mesmerised by a film of a paper carrier bag - but I was... Great post this week.
ReplyDeletesimple but colorful shadow
ReplyDeleteMy post below:
Human Favorite Place - Dining Place
It took me a long time to realise what I was looking at! But I found the patterns of light very pleasing and I was impressed by the fact that the music synchronised so well. I love the guitar.I still haven't worked-out the 'still'!
ReplyDeleteVery interesting patterns in your first shot, and I enjoyed the light and shadows in the short video clip! Great job!